Monday, 26 December 2011

Study on computer based system in All World

Computer is one of the most wonderful inventions of modern science. It is a man made machine and works according to the Command given to it. The work ‘Computer’ Comes from ‘Compute’ meaning calculating or Computing. However. Computers are lot more then calculating machines.

A Computer is an electronic tool that can be programmed to do any lavation.

History of Computers:
History of Calculation starts with Abacus. Abacus is invented in china and used by Geeks. Blaise Pascal invented the first mechanical calculating machine in 1642. Fottfried leibnitz. Invented Caleulating Machine which was able to perform – multiplication and division in 1671. in 1822. Charles Babbage devised a machine called “Difference Engins”. The first machine we call computer is mark I which project was from 1937 to 1944 a Harvard University. The first electronic Computer (FNIAC) was Computed in 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania. After the invention of transitor in 1947 at Ball labs, MIT a new Computer is developed named Txo. Bill Gates a student of Harvard University along with his friend fourded Microsoft Corporation in 1975. steve Jobs founded Apple Computers in 1976.

Features of Computers:
Computers have Some Special features that most machines do not have. These features are as fellow.
1. Ability to be programmed: Computers Can be Programmed. Programming meam that a computer can be instructed in detail about what it should do in salving a prodlem. This unique feature enables computer to have diverse use and endless possibility.
2. Speed: Computers work lot faster than human. Espeeially in numerical calculation. Two moderatcly long integer number can be added in a very small fraction of second that may need few minutes for human. This incredible speed of calculations is one of the few reasons for widespread use of Computers.

Computers function accurately because their Principles are based on mathematical laws. If the data provided by the users are good, and the Program used to proeens them is flaw less, then a computer is expected to produce the Same accurate result every time it rum.

Computers neither get tired after long use nor get bored for repetitive use. The only boredom is the heat produced by the different components inside. Heat generating Components are equipped with small dectric fan and enough ventilation is emured in the Computer casing.

Price Decline:
This is an unusual feature of Computers and related accessories. Where prices of most things rise with time. Computer Prices tend to decline. Added to that they come with faster speed and extra features.

Computers can work automatically. If the required data and instructions are Provided, Computers Can process them without requiring any intervention of human operator.

Computers have been designed with the ability to store. Data and instructions given to a Computer system are usually stored in temporary memory for immediate Processing. For future use. They are stored in Permanent storage.

Types of Computer:
Computers are designed and built in various sizes and with different capacities. Based on the size and Processing Power Computers are clanified into few types.
1. Super Computer
2. Mainframe Computer
3. Minicomputer
4. workstation
5. Microcomputer
6. Desktop Computer
7. Laptop Computer
8. Handheld Computer

Computer Systems:
Computer System Consist of two kinds of elements. Some dements are visible and can be touched while others are invisible and can not be touehed or felt easily. The visible and tangible dements are commonly known as hardware. The invisible yet existing dements are called software. Both hardware and software are required for normal operation of a Computer system.

Uses of Computers:
Computers are the main dements shaping our lives. We use and rely on Computers or related Services in so many ways than we really realize. Our Country has made good Program in using computers to improve our lives. Ordinary people have started to get benefited from use of Computers. Computers are being used in lots of fields oround our lives and Society. Below are the few fields that made remarkable use of Computers.
1. Science: Computers are important for Scientific research. Traditionally, experiment design observation and data collection, analysis of data, presenting them in suitable and meaninglul form all are being done on Computers. Some experiments generate sheer velume of data which are almost impossible to process by human in years time. As Computers are number Coanehers, they are very good tools for processing large amount of data. NASA is a good example of Computers Processing huge amount of data. Reliable weather forccast would not be possible without Super fast Computers. Computer ible or vary hazardous for human. Lots of scientific research experiments are either impossible to perform in reality or very expensive to setup. In engineering research. Accurate three dimensional models are easy to build and Can be visualized from any perspective with the effort of a mouse cliek. More recently. Mathematical theories are developed or at least Proved by computers. Analytic proofs of many theories do not exist and any form of evidence that these theories are true is desirable. Computers are good at numerical and compinatorial attempt af finding existence of any Possible solution.
2. Education: Computers have now become the mandatory tool for education. They are being used in lampoons library, laboratory everywhere. Everyday. The traditional chalk blackboard clanrooms have been replaced with video projectors and computers where multimedia presentations are the meam of teaehing. Teachers can spend more time on lecturing than on writing stuff on blackboards. Even students are now taking class notes on laptops in developed countries. Multimedia training tools are ovailable for enabling students to learm difficult subjects like physics and mathematics. Apart from these. Computers are being used to prepare reports. Keeping records. Processing results etc.
3. Health and Medicine: In medicine. Computers are used for diagnosing for illnesses. Monitoring paticnts during critical surgery. Controlling and Coordinating different equipment etc. in recent times, small specialized Computers are inserted into human body to travel inside and take pictures to help determine internal physiological problems. Specialized computers like artificial organs are also built and used sueccnfully in human body. Pacemaker is one sueh device the has saved the lives of heart paticnts. Artifical coehlea implants are enabling born def to hear. Msot modern diagnosis equipment are computer controlled. Had they been human operated, there Would have been higher chance of making errors. Being computer controlled such an equipment can help accurate and refiable diagnosis, even by not so expcrienced doctors. CAT Sean, EMR etc are few examples of Computer based sophisticated medical equipment.

The world has advanced tremendously. It will be foolish not to keep pace with the advancement at the world. If a country can manipulate the modern tools and teehnologies it will surely succeed. And so for computer is the magic tool by learning which we can change our life standard.

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